Gene’s Ministry Projects:

On January 21, 2001 Gene celebrated his 50th year of ministry:

  • Book – Revolutionary Bible Study
  • Book – A new New Testament
  • Audio Ministry Click here
  • Video Ministry Click here
  • Training men to be church planters
  • Carrying forth the testimony by authoring books and hosting conferences

A new New Testament:

Gene is working on a new New Testament that is unlike any New Testament that has ever existed before.

    • The Gospels

      Imagine Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John all blended into one story. Then add Acts. You end up with five different books all into one book. That book moves forward in chronological order.

    • Times, Dates, and Places

      There are three other things that you will notice as you read through this book of five books…which is now one book. It has times, dates, and places added to this on going story.

    • The Uniqueness of Acts

      But most important of all, while you are reading the book of Acts, you will find a statement inserted noting when each of Paul’s letters were written. For example, just as you are reading Acts 15:36-39 you will find an indented note stating “it was at this time and place that Paul wrote his very first letter, the letter which we call Galatians. It was written in the summer of 50 A.D.”

  • Chronological Order of Paul’s Letters

    The next unique thing about this New Testament is that all of Paul’s letters are in their chronological order, not the order you have in your New Testament. Finally, there will be one other unique thing about this New Testament. Between each of Paul’s letters there will be an explanation of just what happened during the time that elapsed between the last letter he wrote and the next letter.


It is Gene’s hope that anyone who reads this book will be so shocked by what the New Testament really says that their lives will be revolutionized.


Churches related to Gene’s ministry:

In recent years Gene’s ministry has had a significant influence on saints living near major cities in the United States and in other countries around the world. If you would like to contact some of those people or visit some of the churches that have either come from Gene’s ministry or that have been founded by one of his co-workers that he is training, please use the alphabetical list below.

Click on the underlined names of the contact people to send them an email. Also, if the name of the location is underlined in blue, that means the church has a website that you may be interested in looking at.


Churches in the United States

Location/Websites Contact Information
CA – Ventura Barbey Meyers:
Gary and Terri Conner: (805) 672-2361
CO – Colorado Springs Sean and Jerilyn Winstead: ( 719) 638-0471
Scott and Joan Strain: (719) 637-1543
FL – Jacksonville Cherie Liverman: (904) 622-6864 
GA – Atlanta

Scott Kurkian: (404) 456 1126


International Churches

Australia – Port Macquarie Mark Jeffery: Home phone # (02) 6584 7522 
Mobile Phone # 0401 048899
England – Bournemouth Matthew & Anna Moore : +44 (1202) 539-970
Luke & Susan West: +44 (1202) 524-158
Holland – Amsterdam Eric Oosterom: +31 36 5352361
New Zealand – Auckland Mark Boyd: (64) (9) 834-8374
South Africa – Johannesburg/Pretoria Carl & Freya Nell: (27) (84) 508 3817 
Tony & Carla Martins: (27) (11) 907-6030
South Africa – Witrivier Ray & Alison Smith: (27) (13) 751-1755